Book Guide

  • Think & Grow Rich – By Napoleon Hill

    Hill states that the key to success is to define a goal and to pour all of your energy, power, and effort into achieving it. It may take many years before you are successful, but if you hold onto your desire, you will eventually attain what you seek. Merely wishing for money will get you nowhere.

  • The Power of Awareness – By Neville

    In this book, author Neville presents a concise, unforgettable statement of his core philosophy: that the world around you is a picture in your mind's eye, created by your thinking, and susceptible to change by altering your thoughts and feelings.

  • Working with the Laws – By Raymond Holliwell

    A classic guide to becoming the master of our circumstances. There are countless laws that impact on our daily lives and actions.

  • Rising Strong - Brené Brown

    Rising Strong is your guide to picking yourself up and dusting yourself off after a failure – and to becoming stronger, braver and kinder because of it.

  • As a Man Thinketh – By James Allen

    Allen reveals the power that thoughts have over our personalities, our circumstances and our well-being. We discover the benefits of learning to master our minds and direct our thoughts toward the goals we want to achieve.

  • A New Earth – By Eckhart Tollie

    A significant self-improvement book that encourages its readers to live their lives in each present moment and to create happiness for themselves without emphasizing material possessions.

  • The Science of Getting Rich – By Wallace Wattles

    Richness in this book refers to having everything you can possible want in life, and being successful is about being who you want to be and living to your full potential. It's much more than money, though money is important given how our society is structured.

  • A Course in Miracles Made easy – By Alan Cohen

    The self-study spiritual-thought system that teaches the way to love and forgiveness—has captured the minds and hearts of millions of people, and delivered inner peace where fear and pain once prevailed. Its universal message is unsurpassed in its power to heal.

  • Hardwiring Hapiness - Rick Hanson

    Hardwiring Happiness (2013) isn’t just another self-help book singing the praises of positive thinking. It presents the latest research behind the neuroscience of happiness and explains how you can reprogram your brain to focus on the good, rather than obsessing over the bad.