The F Word.

No not that one, the other F word. The bad F word. FEAR.

It’s not all bad.

I admit fear has its place, an important one at that - it’s there to keep us safe from losing our life. It stops us from walking out in front of incoming traffic or walking off a cliff to our death. Nice one fear.

Except when it is.

Beyond saving your life, fear plays a second and very significant role in your head, one that isn’t so nice. Saying things like “Don’t do that!”. Followed by something along the lines of “You haven’t done that before / have the money / right look / education / time / resources / skills.

“You can’t do that, because, because, because!”

You recognise those statements because you have heard yourself say them to yourself. We all have. I have. My frequent inner fear dialogue is “You can’t do that because you are in a wheelchair, it’s too hard!” Fear has stopped me on many occasions in the past.

That’s the power of fear, it stops people from breaking free and doing what they truly love. The pursuit of dreams, relationships and success are all haunted or shut down by fear.

What are we scared of?

We all have things that we are scared for, it’s completely natural. We are human and we get scared. But which fears hold us back from following our dreams?

We are fearful of not being good enough, or losing something or someone that matters in the process of following our dreams.

Like that money I invest, either in myself or that business or product, or that friendship or relationship that means so much.

When to reach out.

When someone comes to me they are often full of fear and are waiting for someone to help them overcome it.

The key is to listen to the whispers of dissatisfaction in your life. They are the alarm bells you’ve been waiting for. When you hear it or feel it, find help!

There are enough people out there that are at breaking point in their lives. You don't have to be!

Overcome your fear.

So listen to the VOICE of FEAR but don’t give into it. Instead, recognise it for what it is and seek help, guidance and support. Have courage and keep taking steps in the direction of overcoming your fear.

To help you with that, I will give YOU a FREE hour of my time to set you off in the right direction.

Limited spots available. Book in, let’s find your Inner Warrior and, finally, release that fear.